Majun Injeer Hamdard (125g)

SKU: majoon anjeer majun anjeer majun anjer
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Medicine for chronic constipation, flatulence, fullness of abdomen.
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About Majun Injeer:
This is a Unani herbal drug formulation and used for chronic constipation and gastric ailment due to low bowel movement.Its name due to its chief ingredient Injeer.
Indications of Majun Injeer:
It is helpful in removing chronic constipation.
Ingredients used in Majun Injeer:
Post Halela Zard / Terminalia chebula
Turbud Safaid / Operculina turpethum
scammonia / Convolvulus
Sana Makki / Cassia angustifolia
Gule Surkh / Rosa damascene
Anjeer Zard / Ficus carica
Maveez Munaqqa / Vitis vinifera
Qiwam Shakar / Saccharum officinarum
Preservative, Sodium Benzoate
How to use Majun Injeer: 10 grams to be taken at bed time with water or milk.


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